Nest Fellowship: The Zena Brand

It’s been way too long since I shared a blog with all of you! But in celebration of Earth Month, I’m going to share a fun photography opportunity I had back in August 2021 while I was working at QVC.

Each year, QVC offers their employees a really cool volunteer opportunity where they get to work with artisan businesses from around the world. QVC does this in conjunction with Nest, “a nonprofit 501(c)(3) supporting the responsible growth and creative engagement of the artisan & maker economy to build a world of greater gender equity and economic inclusion.” The program is called the Nest Fellowship. Employees with certain skill sets apply to the fellowship, which is a 2-week long project. The artesian businesses also apply to be a part of the fellowship as well. Nest then pairs the fellows and the artesian businesses together depending the business’ needs. Nest paired myself and 3 other women with The Zena Brand. 

What is the Zena Brand

The Zena Brand is a non-profit jewelry and accessories company based in the UK. The company is owned and ran by two young women named Loren and Caragh and the jewelry is manufactured at the Zena Launchpad, located in Kamuli, Uganda. The team consists of local entrepreneurial women who want to start their own businesses themselves. These aspiring businesswomen participate in a 2-year apprenticeship program at the Zena Launchpad where they learn leadership and business skills that help them plan and start their own businesses. All of the proceeds from the jewelry sales go back into the Zena Launchpad and back to the women who make it all happen. While working at the Zena Launchpad creating jewelry and accessories, they earn a living wage with enough to also save for their future business plans.

Not only does Zena lift up entrepreneurial women of color by educating them in the skills they need to start their own business, but they also are setting these women up for success by paying them a living wage. This helps them while they are in the apprenticeship by removing the financial barrier to higher education and also sets them up for their future by building a savings that will help them start and grow their business.

Another aspect to Zena’s business model that is important to me is the sustainable aspect to their jewelry designs. Zena jewelry is designed using Ankole Cattle horn, which is a recycled by-product from the agriculture industry in Uganda. The cattle horns are typically discarded, however there are many artisans, like Zena, that are utilizing the horns in their crafts, products, and jewelry.

The women in the apprenticeship cut and polish every component of each jewelry piece. They are all put together individually by hand. Some of the jewelry components are dyed with local, natural dyes. Even the bag the jewelry is packaged is made from local Kitenge fabrics and is hand sewn by the women. Every aspect of the Zena Brand is well thought out and each decision is done to help make a positive impact for the people and land in Uganda.

What I did for the Zena Brand

During the 2-week fellowship, my role was to create photo and video content for the Zena Brand to use on their ecommerce website and on various social media platforms. I also assisted in creating a social media plan for Loren and Caragh as well as a photography guide to help them create their own content in the future.

I photographed lifestyle imagery of Zena jewelry and shot video of the jewelry on tabletop and on model. I also shot a few unboxing videos to show how the Zena products arrive to their customers.

What this project did for me

Getting the opportunity to work on an all women team with Caragh and Loren from Zena and the other women from QVC was such an amazing experience for me. Photographing for such an inspirational company, like Zena, was a dream come true.  I love the content that I was able to produce for Zena. I am so thankful to QVC and for the Nest Fellowship for giving me this awesome opportunity!

To purchase Zena jewelry go to their commerce website and stay connected with them on Instagram @thezenabrand

To learn more about the impact that The Zena Brand has go to
There you can also donate directly to their cause and assist these entrepreneurial women in building successful businesses.